nedeľa 14. decembra 2008

Touch screens

A touchscreen is a display which can detect the presence and location of a touch within the display area.
The touchscreen has two main attributes. First, it enables you to interact with what is displayed directly on the screen, where it is displayed, rather than indirectly with a
mouse or touchpad. Secondly, it lets one do so without requiring any intermediate device, again, such as a stylus that needs to be held in the hand. Such displays can be attached to computers or, as terminals, to networks. They also play a prominent role in the design of digital appliances such as the personal digital assistant (PDA), satellite navigation devices and mobile phones.
Dr. Han says, that he was compulsory make his own operating system, because Windows and Linux did not able make a system with support of touch screens and similar equipment.
Google´s new web browser

Pred niekoľkými rokmi, v Silicon Valley boli častými fámami, že Google, neskôr v prvom rade hľadací prostriedok (vyhľadávač), môže vybudovať nový webový prehliadač, súperiaci s Microsoft, nazývaný Internet Explorer alebo dokonca operačnému systému súperiacemu s Microsoft Windows. Google sa vysmieva týmto zvestiam a zavrhuje ich. Ale keď Sergey Brin, spoluzakladateľ Googlu tomu veril, špekulácie o tom ho dohnali premýšľať že, „možno to nie je zlá myšlienka“.
A tak tento týždeň Google spustil nový prehliadač, nazývaný Chrome, ktorý je tiež v skutku nový operačný systém. Chrome znamená vyhlásenie preventívnej vojny v myšlienkach Googlu proti Microsoftu.
Až doposial sa Google hanbí o pripustenie rivality(kýmšéf Microsoftu Steve Ballmer je tým posadnutý).
Vo webovom vyhľadávači a reklame, Google vládne približne ako Microsoft v operačnom systéme a kancelárskych aplikáciách.

utorok 9. decembra 2008

Exercise 1:
1. Where is Tim? I haven't seen him all day (not-see)
2. Do you like Bratislava? I don't know. I haven't been in Bratislava in my life. (not-be)
3. Do you like Franco Zeffirelli's films? Yes, I have seen "Rome and Juliet" about 50 times. (see)
4. I hurt my leg skiing. I haven't worked in about a month. (not-work)
5. Can I ask you a question? Have you seen my sister today? (see)
6. Oh fantastic!! Now I have missed the train!!! (miss)
7. My brother works for the government. He has spoken with the President many times (spoken)
8. I haven't entered a pub since my son was born. (not-enter)
9. I want that report Dalton!!! I'm sorry I haven't finished it yet. (not-finish)
10. Diana doesn't know about the party because I haven't told her. (not-tell)
11. Would you like some dinner? No thanks. I have eaten already (eat)
12. Have you seen my slippers? Yes, they are under the bed. (see)

Exercise 2:
1. Where is Tom? - I haven 't seen him today, but he told Mary that he'd be in for dinner.
2. I bought this in Bond Street. - How much you did you pay for it? - I paid .f.l00.
3. Where did you find this knife? - I found it in the garden. -Why didn't you leave it there?
4. I have lost my black gloves. Have you seen them anywhere? - No, I haven 't. I´m afraid I When did you last wear them? - I wore them at the theatre last night. - Perhaps you left them at the theatre.
5. Do you know that lady who have just left the shop? -Yes, that is Miss Thrift. Is she a customer of yours? -Not exactly .She has been in here several times but she has never bought anything.
6. He left the house at 8.00. - Where did he go? - I didn't see where he went.
7. He served in the First World War. – When did the war begin? -It began in 1914 and lasted for four years.
8. Who did you vote for at the last election? - I voted for Mr. Pitt. - He wasn't, was elected, was he? - No, he lost his deposit.
9. Did you like your last job?- I liked it at first but then I Quarrelled with my employer and he dismissed me. - How long you were there? - I was there for two weeks.
10. I didn't know that you knew Mrs. Pitt. How long have you known her? - I have know her for ten years.
11. That is Mr. Minus, who teaches me mathematics, but he hasn't had time to teach me much. I only have been in his class for a week.
12. Did you hear his speech on the radio last night? - Yes, I did. What did you think of it? '
13. I didn't know that you were here. Have you been here long? - Yes, I have been here two months. - Have you been to the Cathedral? - Yes, I went there last Sunday .
14. Have you ever tired to give up smoking? -Yes, I tired last year , but then I found that I was getting fat so I started again.
15. Have you seen today's paper? - No, has anything interesting happened? Yes, two convicted murderers have escaped from the prison down the road.
16. Has Mary fed the cat? - Yes, she fed him before lunch. - What did she give him? - She gave him some fish.
17. How long have you known your new assistant? - I have known him for two years. –What did he do before he came here? - I think he was in prison.
18. I haven 't seen your aunt recently .No. She hasn't been out of her house since she bought her colour TV.
19. Has the plumber been here yet? - Yes, but he only stayed for an hour.- What did he do in that time? - He turned off the water and emptied the tank


Dilute - to make a liquid weaker by mixing in something else (zriedit)
top - the highest place or part (vrchol) share - to have or use something at the same time as someone else(podiel) performance - how well a person, machine, etc. does a piece of work or an activity(uskutocnovanie) generated - to cause something to exist(vytváraný) bold - brave; not fearing danger(smelý)
helm - the handle or wheel which controls the direction in which a ship or boat travel (kormidlo)
amid - in the middle of or surrounded by; among(medzi)
incentive - something which encourages a person to do something(motív)
ire – anger (hnev)
trade down to - o buy something, usually a house or car, that is of higher or lower value than
the one you already have(obchodovt smerom dole)
revenue - the income that a government or company receives regularly(príjem)